Monday, September 20, 2010

Match Fixing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well the issue of match fixing is very "IN" now a days and the Pakistani cricket team according to the news papers and English media, is involved in match fixing.... But have you tried to find that weather they are really involved in it ??? or it was just a game of English media to keep star players of Pakistan team aside??? All blame game started from a video of Mazhar Majeed (who they showed as a Fixer) but who can prove it that it was a pre match video and not a post match video???
But the English media along with the ICC anti corruption unit was not satisfied with it, they again started investigation from Pakistani players that the 3rd ODI match was fixed!!!! so let suppose that match was also fixed then a question arises that WHO is really involved in the fixing of that match??? The Pakistanis or the Englishmen???
Pakistan won that match and if that was fixed then one should investigate the English cricketers as they lost that match. Why they investigated the Pakistani players??? as they have won the match...
All of it shows that the English players and media were afraid of the great "TWO A's" (Asif and Amir) Pakistani bowling attack so they planed to get them involved in the fixing scandal so that they can win the series and gets a psychological advantage over the Aussies in the up coming Ashes series...
Its enough the biased ICC officials and reporters of English media they have played their cards now its the turn of PCB that they should lead this case and if was found wrong then they should do whatever is possible against the English media and even against the ICC officials and that too in their own countries.....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Khudaa wo waqt na laaye ki soGawaar ho tuu
sukuun kii neend tujhe bhii haraam ho jaaye
terii masarrat-e-paiham tamaam ho jaaye
terii hayaat tujhe talKh jaam ho jaaye

Gamon se aaiinaa-e-dil gudaaz ho teraa
Hujuum-e-yaas se betaab hoke rah jaaye
wafuur-e-dard se siimaab ho ke rah jaaye
teraa shabaab faqat Khwaab ho ke rah jaaye

Guruur-e-husn saraapaa niyaaz ho teraa
tawiil raaton men tuu bhii qaraar ko tarase
terii nigaah kisii Gam_gusaar ko tarase
Khizaan_rasiidaa tamannaa bahaar ko tarase

koii jabiin na tere sang-e-aastaan pe jhuke
ki jins-e-ijz-o-aqiidat se tujh ko shaad kare
fareb-e-waadaa-e-farda pe aetamaad kare
Khudaa wo waqt na laaye ki tujh ko yaad aaye

wo dil ki tere liye be-qaraar ab bhii hai
wo aankh jis ko teraa intazaar ab bhii hai

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The "GREAT" Police of Pakistan

The Pakistani Police is different from the police of all other countries. They are so advanced and dangerously skillful that they can prove you involved in a case that you would have not even imagined, for example if they are scanning your luggage, there will be for sure certain illegal ITEMS like the all time famous ITEM “CHARS”, will come out of your luggage after their inspection, doesn’t matter that whether you smokes or not..They may not be on the top of the world salary wise, but still their monthly income is greater than those on the same post in other countries. They can produce a huge amount of money from one way or another for example if they find an Afghan refuge (doesn’t matter whether he has all the required traveling documents or not) they will tease him and will try to get something out of him and finally he have to give them SOMETHING in order to avoid going to the police station…Similarly if they find any Pakistani citizen without N.I.C at that time, they will demand SOMETHING from him and at last he has to give them something because if he didn’t give them any thing they will involve him in many cases including a FEW MURDERS utilizing the TRADITIONAL “involving ability and training”…But if someone commits a murder but he belongs to a well to do family (some of such families gives monthly salary to them as well) and they offer the GREAT POLICEMEN of our country, no one can even dare to blame them for what they have done. Many of you would have seen scenes of a poor man trying to file a murder FIR against a HIGH society individual and the policemen not even listening to him. But if a poor man kills well to do man the “dutiful and honest” policemen will find him within a few hours of the crime.The war against Terrorism have created very tense situations in Pakistan, bomb blasts are very frequent now a days, target killing has became very easy and common. To stop all of these crimes, there needs to be very strict checking but unfortunately despite of concentrating on their duties they (in majority) all the time are in search of PREY for themselves.A very innocent reason given by them for their PREYING is that the salaries of the policemen are very low and they cannot fulfill their requirements without preying. But the fact is that a police soldier (recruited after matriculation) draws a salary of more than 15000/month, now if we compare it with the salaries of Teachers (considered as NATION BULIDERS) who studies hard for at least sixteen years but only gets a minute salary of about 7000 to 10000/month in most of the private schools. So how can they give the reason that their monthly salary is less and they cannot fulfill their requirements?????? What do you think??????????Despite of all they failed badly in acquiring people’s belief in them. They are totally unaware of the rules of dealing people, about 99% of all the common people will support my observation that the behaviour of almost every policeman (with the exception of few) is very insulting, harsh, no cooperative, and rude. They think themselves as rulers rather than employers.The performance of police department can be estimated by the fact that daily more than dozen of people are kidnapped, many murders are committed, many lose their cars and bikes, many girls are raped and many many more crimes are being committed every day. Our Police department failed completely in stopping all these crimes.But there are also a few honest and dutiful policemen(in traces) also but such soldiers/officers are regularly transferred from one place to another not allowing them to settle and do something for the betterment of our country.My opinion regarding the police department is that they should be given under the supervision of Pakistan Army, due to which not only their abilities will flourish and their level of fighting against terrorism will increase but also there will be a strict check on them and they will be able to perform their duties more effectively… What do you think that how can they improve ??????

Does PTV deserves to be our National Channel????

Media plays dynamic role in shaping the attitude of masses. Napoleon says;"Media appeals to the feelings of masses. The role of media has become more powerful in the present day world. The world has become a global village"Electronic media is the most powerful, quick and advanced form of media. Television, the base of electronic media was invented in 1924 by an immigrant American scientist "J.L.Baird" which he thought as an advance form of radio. It revolutionized the world of communication; was and is used for entertainment, education and information.But unfortunately in Pakistan the national television channel PTV failed in providing entertainment, information and education.Every house in Pakistan that has an electricity connection pays Rs.35 per month as TV tax to PTV authorities, which forms a huge amount. The M.D of PTV draws a salary of Rs.200000/day but what he is doing for its betterment and improving its performance??????? How many people (who have cable facility) watch PTV???Despite of charging Rs35/home which is more than 1000000000/month, they are very keen in playing commercials due to which a normal 30min play is extended to about an hour or even more. Which arises a question in the every Pakistani's mind that if they give such importance to aids and commercials so why they are charging every house even a mosque Rs35 per month.They hardly broadcast sports events but if they do so, they will spoil the taste by playing commercials excessively in it. For example, if any of you have watched cricket matches on PTV? there is a commercial not only between every over also between a single ball.Documentaries are important for the information of kids as well as adults but PTV hardly play any documentary. We have a rich history, but PTV has no interest in enlightening that history for our youth, the Archeological treasures of Pakistan is known world wide, but they have not produced any thing that throws light on these treasures.Once there was a time that PTV was considered as a standard channel who's drama serials were very famous all over the world because at that time they were representing the common people of Pakistan but now all of the dramas are restricted only to the high class love stories and thats all. Now there is no serial like "Khuda ki basti", "Andhera Ojala" and many more. Today instead of producing new intresting programs, they are playing the same boring programs many times a day which enlights the hard work of PTV staff. Now a days, in Pakistan, libraries are limited to only a few hundreds in number which further emphasize the role of T.V in informing our new generation about our past, the period of their dominance and more importantly that how their decline occurred.If the TV channels in Pakistan (especially PTV) didn't paid attention to it, our new generation would not even know that whether they had any history or not!!!!!!!DO you think that PTV deserves to be our national T.V channel???? and they deserve to charge every house Rs.35/month for their 'mindblowing' programs ??????

Change we need NOW or NEVER

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people! You have the power to change! You have the VOTE! Use this to your advantage. Vote for change, vote for your children and most importantly vote for our nation in the next elections in a few years. Our current politicians are nothing more than crooks who are more interested in using our taxes to fly to Europe or build lavish homes and look down upon everyone else. Our current politicians may look intimidating, but do not be fooled by that Mercedes Benz or that expensive suit. In reality they are scared of us!They're scared of people like you and me who are starting to realize the reality of our ruling elite. They're scared of people like you and me who are tired of watching innocent Pakistanis being killed everyday on TV, sick and tired of sitting in the darkness without power while our ruling elite sit in ACs and drink tea while doing NOTHING to help this country. Have these people no shame at all?No country, NGO or even God himself will come down and help us. The way towards change starts within YOU. Change yourself. Ask questions! Demand answers! Don't simply allow the ruling class and the controlled media to tell you what you should feel, do and act! Research yourself, put together your own thoughts and come to your own conclusion.And the conclusions are very simple. There is something very wrong with this country and if we don't do something about it now in a civil manner I'm afraid things in the future may look bloody.The greatest tool you have to bring about change is not any weapon or not any amount of money. It's your mind! USE IT!

Floods in Pakistan

More than 1,400 people have been killed and three million cut off by Pakistan's worst flooding in 80 years.There's no electricity, no drinking water,shortage of food in the affected areas.
The rescue effort was aided by a slackening of the monsoon rains that have caused the worst flooding in decades in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province. But as floodwaters started to recede, authorities began to understand the full scale of the disaster.
Aerial monitoring is being conducted, and it has shown that whole villages have washed away, animals have drowned and grain storages have washed away.Crops are destroyed on large scale.The destruction is massive.
The U.N. estimates the flooding has affected 1 million people nationwide.
The death toll from the flooding could go even higher since rescue workers have been unable to access certain areas.
The districts of Swat and Shangla have also been hit hard and have suffered more than 400 deaths.
Residents of Swat were still trying to recover from a major battle between the army and the Taliban last spring that caused widespread destruction and drove some 2 million people from their homes. About 1 million of those were still displaced.
In Swat alone, the floods have destroyed more than 14,600 houses and 22 schools.
The flooding has smashed bridges, washed away roads and left villages and towns cut off in Pakistan's Swat Valley.Thousands of houses in Charsaddah are affected,Nowshera is in worst situations,water level raised even upto the 2nd floors of houses.People who felt theirselves secured on 3rd floors,starved for many days.
In all this situation,our president was never worried about innocent lives of citizenz of pakistan but he was busy somewhere else planning his tours.Two UK politicians immediately pulled out of a meeting with him.
Mp Khalid Mahmood blasted: "A lot of people are dying there. No matter what he can do or can't do, he should be there to try to support the people, not swanning around in the UK and France." Lord Ahmed added: "He should be looking after people, not over here."
So then the destruction also prompted widespread criticism of President Asif Ali Zardari over his decision to travel to France and the U.K. while the disaster widened at home. Additionally, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has also been criticized for his failure to provide more robust leadership.
Still in our bad times,our president is on visit to UK for his son's graduation and to greet him with other politicians.
In one widely cited case, Gilani has been criticized following his visit to a makeshift medical relief camp in the Punjab. After his visit, Pakistan's news organizations reported that the camp was a fake - established before Gilani's trip and dismantled after he left.
"Our leaders are only looking for photo-ops. No one cares about the people"
Army continues its relief and rescue activities country wide for the affectees of unprecedented floods, but they are working under our irresponsible government.And the credit goes to YOU and ME,who elected them....WE......

ALLAH NEVER CHANGES THE FATE OF THOSE NATIONS WHO THEMSELVES ARE UNWILLING TO CHANGE THEIR FATE......its our real PAKISTAN and we ourselves made it like time,when you vote,at least think once if any of your family member will be affected by such situation in future,the person you are voting for,either he would help you or let you die there alone,leaving just a note on media for you saying...."mujhy bohot afsos hua",would that words be enough for your pain of loosing a dearest family member????????????????

Dr.Abdul Qadir Khan

Abdul Qadeer Khan,born on April 27, 1936, best known as Dr. A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer.A.Q.Khan is an ethnic Pathan.He is one of our SUPER NATIONAL HERO's.He blessed us with Uranium enrichment program.Hero's are never imprisoned,but in PAKISTAN,everything is possible.He helped all the muslims by providing us with atomic energy,he secured us and our past and up coming generations,but in return,he is insecure himself in such a big country.Who knows Dr A.Q Khan is living somehow an accused and executed life in his home too.Blackwater is all the time around his home,always following him.
Dr.A.Q Khan has prostate cancer.He sacrificed his life for this country,still he deserves to be treated slipshod??????
He was compelled to appologise infront of whole of the nation on media,otherwise his life was on a threatning stage,why his life is always on stake????why all the time HE is dragooned for such situations????? Why not the others who are only counting the huge amounts of their salaries every month.....who will answer all my these questions as I have the right of asking them according to our constitution.
Blackwater occupied an area at some distance to KRL (Khan Research Laborotaries).They are keeping an eye on our nuclear programs too.So what is the contribution of our government for the security of national hero and our national assets.Are they occupying heavily paid seats just to speak some words infront of our media????? Are they ACTUALLY contributing towards our country in a real sense????

Asif Ali Zardari

It's quite pathetic and sad that our choice of selection became so miserable.And by our this attitude,we would be having a same society always,sane in a real sense.Why is the story of the murder of his own wife still behind the curtains???? If our government is so retarded that it can't even investigate the truth of the murder of an ex-P.M of PAKISTAN,then who is responsible for it and who will come to de-curtain the truth to the entire nation???? He himself mensioned on media once that he knows who is the murderer,then why is the murderer not brought on the screen??? People are easily convinced by emotional blackmailling to vote for corrupt parties,but actually we are made fools,because we don't have sense to chose a good leader for ourselves.It's hilarious to see our leaders trying to compare theirselves to the likes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto or even Muhammad Ali Jinnah. They are in no way, shape or form even in the same universe as those people. As stuck up as Bhutto was, he did a lot for this nation and the youth responded to him. When he spoke of development and progress, they listened to him.But when our today's leaders talk about it,no one listens because everyone knows that they are only busy in filling the swiss bank accounts for themselves.
He promised us democracy,he failed,He promised us a stable economy, he failed,he promised us peace and security, he failed. He promised us a new age in politics, he failed,he promised to eradicate power outages, he failed. What good have our leaders brought this nation???Who shall we demand??? Instead of keeping the promises, our leaders allowed American intelligence agencies to wreek havoc in Khyber Pakthunkhwa and now the rest of Pakistan sadly.
The honesty and innocence of many of the citizens are debauched by such leaders...Who is responsible for all this?
Its very shamefull that our president is attacked with a shoe,this shows how much someone is worthy for a seat.If he really love PAKISTAN,and if he is really honest to our country,he should step down.But he will never do it.....everyone know's what's his real love.........
President should know,if any of a poor stay's hungry for a night in his rule,he will be answerable in the second world for it infront of ALLAH....Everyone has to pay for his deeds.....WE DON"T WANT WICKED PEOPLE TO RULE US,WE WANT PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP THE HUMANITY....