Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dr.Abdul Qadir Khan

Abdul Qadeer Khan,born on April 27, 1936, best known as Dr. A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer.A.Q.Khan is an ethnic Pathan.He is one of our SUPER NATIONAL HERO's.He blessed us with Uranium enrichment program.Hero's are never imprisoned,but in PAKISTAN,everything is possible.He helped all the muslims by providing us with atomic energy,he secured us and our past and up coming generations,but in return,he is insecure himself in such a big country.Who knows Dr A.Q Khan is living somehow an accused and executed life in his home too.Blackwater is all the time around his home,always following him.
Dr.A.Q Khan has prostate cancer.He sacrificed his life for this country,still he deserves to be treated slipshod??????
He was compelled to appologise infront of whole of the nation on media,otherwise his life was on a threatning stage,why his life is always on stake????why all the time HE is dragooned for such situations????? Why not the others who are only counting the huge amounts of their salaries every month.....who will answer all my these questions as I have the right of asking them according to our constitution.
Blackwater occupied an area at some distance to KRL (Khan Research Laborotaries).They are keeping an eye on our nuclear programs too.So what is the contribution of our government for the security of national hero and our national assets.Are they occupying heavily paid seats just to speak some words infront of our media????? Are they ACTUALLY contributing towards our country in a real sense????

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