Saturday, September 4, 2010

The "GREAT" Police of Pakistan

The Pakistani Police is different from the police of all other countries. They are so advanced and dangerously skillful that they can prove you involved in a case that you would have not even imagined, for example if they are scanning your luggage, there will be for sure certain illegal ITEMS like the all time famous ITEM “CHARS”, will come out of your luggage after their inspection, doesn’t matter that whether you smokes or not..They may not be on the top of the world salary wise, but still their monthly income is greater than those on the same post in other countries. They can produce a huge amount of money from one way or another for example if they find an Afghan refuge (doesn’t matter whether he has all the required traveling documents or not) they will tease him and will try to get something out of him and finally he have to give them SOMETHING in order to avoid going to the police station…Similarly if they find any Pakistani citizen without N.I.C at that time, they will demand SOMETHING from him and at last he has to give them something because if he didn’t give them any thing they will involve him in many cases including a FEW MURDERS utilizing the TRADITIONAL “involving ability and training”…But if someone commits a murder but he belongs to a well to do family (some of such families gives monthly salary to them as well) and they offer the GREAT POLICEMEN of our country, no one can even dare to blame them for what they have done. Many of you would have seen scenes of a poor man trying to file a murder FIR against a HIGH society individual and the policemen not even listening to him. But if a poor man kills well to do man the “dutiful and honest” policemen will find him within a few hours of the crime.The war against Terrorism have created very tense situations in Pakistan, bomb blasts are very frequent now a days, target killing has became very easy and common. To stop all of these crimes, there needs to be very strict checking but unfortunately despite of concentrating on their duties they (in majority) all the time are in search of PREY for themselves.A very innocent reason given by them for their PREYING is that the salaries of the policemen are very low and they cannot fulfill their requirements without preying. But the fact is that a police soldier (recruited after matriculation) draws a salary of more than 15000/month, now if we compare it with the salaries of Teachers (considered as NATION BULIDERS) who studies hard for at least sixteen years but only gets a minute salary of about 7000 to 10000/month in most of the private schools. So how can they give the reason that their monthly salary is less and they cannot fulfill their requirements?????? What do you think??????????Despite of all they failed badly in acquiring people’s belief in them. They are totally unaware of the rules of dealing people, about 99% of all the common people will support my observation that the behaviour of almost every policeman (with the exception of few) is very insulting, harsh, no cooperative, and rude. They think themselves as rulers rather than employers.The performance of police department can be estimated by the fact that daily more than dozen of people are kidnapped, many murders are committed, many lose their cars and bikes, many girls are raped and many many more crimes are being committed every day. Our Police department failed completely in stopping all these crimes.But there are also a few honest and dutiful policemen(in traces) also but such soldiers/officers are regularly transferred from one place to another not allowing them to settle and do something for the betterment of our country.My opinion regarding the police department is that they should be given under the supervision of Pakistan Army, due to which not only their abilities will flourish and their level of fighting against terrorism will increase but also there will be a strict check on them and they will be able to perform their duties more effectively… What do you think that how can they improve ??????

1 comment:

  1. i was listening in yesterday's news, in lahore,a policeman was involved in midnight robberies.... the people who must serve us for our protection,use their position to treat us lyk ds...
