Saturday, September 4, 2010

Change we need NOW or NEVER

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people! You have the power to change! You have the VOTE! Use this to your advantage. Vote for change, vote for your children and most importantly vote for our nation in the next elections in a few years. Our current politicians are nothing more than crooks who are more interested in using our taxes to fly to Europe or build lavish homes and look down upon everyone else. Our current politicians may look intimidating, but do not be fooled by that Mercedes Benz or that expensive suit. In reality they are scared of us!They're scared of people like you and me who are starting to realize the reality of our ruling elite. They're scared of people like you and me who are tired of watching innocent Pakistanis being killed everyday on TV, sick and tired of sitting in the darkness without power while our ruling elite sit in ACs and drink tea while doing NOTHING to help this country. Have these people no shame at all?No country, NGO or even God himself will come down and help us. The way towards change starts within YOU. Change yourself. Ask questions! Demand answers! Don't simply allow the ruling class and the controlled media to tell you what you should feel, do and act! Research yourself, put together your own thoughts and come to your own conclusion.And the conclusions are very simple. There is something very wrong with this country and if we don't do something about it now in a civil manner I'm afraid things in the future may look bloody.The greatest tool you have to bring about change is not any weapon or not any amount of money. It's your mind! USE IT!

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