Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does PTV deserves to be our National Channel????

Media plays dynamic role in shaping the attitude of masses. Napoleon says;"Media appeals to the feelings of masses. The role of media has become more powerful in the present day world. The world has become a global village"Electronic media is the most powerful, quick and advanced form of media. Television, the base of electronic media was invented in 1924 by an immigrant American scientist "J.L.Baird" which he thought as an advance form of radio. It revolutionized the world of communication; was and is used for entertainment, education and information.But unfortunately in Pakistan the national television channel PTV failed in providing entertainment, information and education.Every house in Pakistan that has an electricity connection pays Rs.35 per month as TV tax to PTV authorities, which forms a huge amount. The M.D of PTV draws a salary of Rs.200000/day but what he is doing for its betterment and improving its performance??????? How many people (who have cable facility) watch PTV???Despite of charging Rs35/home which is more than 1000000000/month, they are very keen in playing commercials due to which a normal 30min play is extended to about an hour or even more. Which arises a question in the every Pakistani's mind that if they give such importance to aids and commercials so why they are charging every house even a mosque Rs35 per month.They hardly broadcast sports events but if they do so, they will spoil the taste by playing commercials excessively in it. For example, if any of you have watched cricket matches on PTV? there is a commercial not only between every over also between a single ball.Documentaries are important for the information of kids as well as adults but PTV hardly play any documentary. We have a rich history, but PTV has no interest in enlightening that history for our youth, the Archeological treasures of Pakistan is known world wide, but they have not produced any thing that throws light on these treasures.Once there was a time that PTV was considered as a standard channel who's drama serials were very famous all over the world because at that time they were representing the common people of Pakistan but now all of the dramas are restricted only to the high class love stories and thats all. Now there is no serial like "Khuda ki basti", "Andhera Ojala" and many more. Today instead of producing new intresting programs, they are playing the same boring programs many times a day which enlights the hard work of PTV staff. Now a days, in Pakistan, libraries are limited to only a few hundreds in number which further emphasize the role of T.V in informing our new generation about our past, the period of their dominance and more importantly that how their decline occurred.If the TV channels in Pakistan (especially PTV) didn't paid attention to it, our new generation would not even know that whether they had any history or not!!!!!!!DO you think that PTV deserves to be our national T.V channel???? and they deserve to charge every house Rs.35/month for their 'mindblowing' programs ??????

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