Thursday, August 18, 2011

Game Not Over Yet!!!

No dought that our loyal country Pakistan that came into being after tons of sacrifices given by our elders, is fighting for its survilance and this fight of existance is having negative effects on our already stumbling Economy, education, health and other walks of life. . . But wait it's not over yet..,it's quite eaisly recoverable all it needs is a Leadership, a real leadership capable of taking harsh looking but necessory steps. . . . Some of which may be: 1) The basic priority should be given (infact must be given) to the education. If one think over the role of doctors, engineers, scientists, artists, journalists, beurocrates etc etc , all of them has a key role to play in the prosperity of a country. . But where from they comes???? The Educational system, if the system is not upto the standards then all of these proffessionals will be unable to play their key roles, which is unfortunatly the case in our country..